In the lists below, I have generally not included commentaries unless they have proven particularly meaningful (for me). I have, instead, chosen to focus on introductions, monographs, and other writings as a way to gain a wider view of the book/topic in question.
Regarding commentaries, there are a number of very good series available, including:
General New Testament
Regarding commentaries, there are a number of very good series available, including:
- Sacra Pagina, D. Harrington, editor (Liturgical Press).
- Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, J. Collins, editor (Yale Univ. Press).
- Interpretation, J.L. Mays, editor ( Westminster).
- New Testament for Everyone, N.T. Wright, (Westminster).
General New Testament
- Brown, R.E., An Introduction to the New Testament (Yale University Press, 1997).
- Brown, R.E., The Birth of the Messiah (Yale University Press, 1999).
- Brown, R.E., The Death of the Messiah, 2 Volumes (Yale University Press, 1998).
- Johnson, L.T. & Penner, T.C., The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation (Fortress Press, 1999).
- Allison, D., The Sermon on the Mount (Crossroad, 1999).
- Kingsbury, J.,Matthew as Story (2nd Edition, Fortress Press, 1988).
- Longenecker, R., The Challenge of Jesus' Parables (Eerdmans, 2000).
- Rhoads, D.; Dewey, J; & Mickie, D, Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel (3rd Edition, Fortress Press, 2012).
- Malbon, E.S., Mark's Jesus: Characterization as Narrative Christology (Baylor Univ. Press, 2014).
- Myers, C., Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark's Story of Jesus (Orbis, 1988, 2008).
- Byrne, B., The Hospitality of God: A Reading of Luke's Gospel (Liturgical Press, 2015).
- Neyrey, J., ed., Social World of Luke-Acts (Baker,1999).
- Brown, R. & Moroney, F., An Introduction to the Gospel of John (Yale Univ. Press, 2003).
- Byrne, B, Life Abounding: A Reading of John's Gospel (Liturgical Press, 2014).
- Maroney, F, Love in the Gospel of John: An Exegetical, Theological, and Literary Study (Baker Academic, 2013).
Paul's Letters - General
- Crossan, J.D. & Reed, J.L., In Search of Paul (Harper, 2004).
- Keck, L., Paul and His Letters (2nd Edition, 1988, 1979).
- Murphy-O'Cooner, J., Paul the Letter-Writer: His Words, His Options, His Skills (Liturgical Press, 1995).
- Neyrey, J.H., Paul, in Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters (Westminster, 1990).
- Wright, N.T., Paul in Fresh Perspective (Fortress, 2006).
Paul's Letters - Individual Books
- Donfried, K.P., Paul, Thessolonica and Early Christianity (Eerdmans, 2002),
- Fowl, S., Philippians (Eerdmans, 2005). [Especially the chpater, "Theological Horizons of Philippians", pp. 205-235.]
- Furnish, V.P., The Theology of the First Letter to the Corinthians (Cambridge University Press: 1999).
- Grieb, K., The Story of Romans: A Narrative Defense of God's Righteousness (Westminster John Knox, 2002). [Especially the Preface, pp. x-xv, & the Introdcution, pp. xvii-xxiv.]
- Stott, J.R.W., Guard the Truth: The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus (InterVarsity, 1997).
- Bruce, F.F., The Epistle to the Hebrews (Eerdmans, 1990).
- Vanhoye, A., Structure and Message of the Epistle to the Hebrews (Subsidia Bilica, 1989).
- Bauckham, R., The Climax of Prophecy: Studies on the Book of Revelation (Clark, 1993).
- Bauckham, R., Theology of the Book of Revelation (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993).
- Gorman, M., Reading Revelation Responsibly (Wipf & Stock, 2010).
- Koesler, C., Revelation and the End of All Things (Eerdmans, 2001)
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