Introductions to the Bible
History - Old Testament, New Testament
Introductions to the Bible
- Alter, R., The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary, 3 Volumes. New York: Norton, 2004.
- Bendstra, B.L. Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Old Testament (Wadsworth Cengage: 2009, 1995).
Old Testament History
- Arnold, B.T. & Strawn, B.A. (eds.). The World around the Old Testament: The People and Places of the Ancient Near East. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2016.
- Davies, P.R. The History of Ancient Israel: A Guide for the Perplexed. London/New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015.
- Jagersma, H. A History of Israel to Bar Kochba. London: SCM, 1994.
- Soggin, J.A. An Introduction to the History of Israel and Judah, 3rd edition. London: SCM, 1984, 31999.
- Soggin, J.A. Israel in the Biblical Period: Institutions, Festivals, Ceremonies, Rituals. London: T&T Clark, 2001.
- Witherington, B. New Testament History: A Narrative Account. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2001.
- Green, J.B. & McDonald, L.M. (eds). The World of the New Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2017.
- Bruce, F. F. New Testament History. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1972.
- Millar, F. The Roman Near East 31 BC – AD 337. Cambridge: Harvard Univ., 1994.
- Rowe, C. K. World Upside Down: Reading Acts in the Graeco-Roman Age. Oxford: University Press, 2010.
- Alter, R., The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary, 3 Volumes. New York: Norton, 2004.
- R.E. Brown – J.A. Fitzmyer – R. Murphy (eds.), The New Jerome Biblical Commentary(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 21990) = Nuevo Comentario Bíblico San Jerónimo. Antiguo Testamento (Estella [Navarra]: Verbo Divino, 2004) = Nuovo grande commentario biblico. Con Cd-Rom interattivo (Grandi opere; Brescia: Queriniana: 1997, 22002)**.
- B.M. Metzger – M.D. Coogan, The Oxford Companion to the Bible (New York – Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993).
- J.A. Sanders, From Sacred Story to Sacred Text (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987)*.
- L.M. McDonald, The Formation of the Christian Biblical Canon (Peabody, MA 1988, 21995); The Biblical Canon: Its Origin, Transmission, and Authority (Peaboby: Hendrickson, 32007)**.
- T.J. Keegan, Interpreting the Bible. A Popular Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics(New York – Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1985)*.
- J. A. Fitzmyer, Scripture: the Soul of Theology (New York: Paulist, 1994).*
- M. Oeming, Biblische Hermeneutik. Eine Einführung (Darmstadt: Primus, 1998, , 22007) = Contemporary Biblical Hermeneutics: An Introduction (Hants, UK – Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006)*.
- B.A. Strawn (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Law (Oxford – New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.
- D.N. Freedman (ed.), The Anchor Bible Dictionary (6 volumes) (New York: Doubleday, 1992)*.
- Y. Aharoni, The Land of the Bible. A Historical Geography (London: SCM – Philadelphia: Westminster, 21979)**.
- Y. Aharoni – M. Avi-Yonah, The McMillan Biblical Atlas. Completely Revised 3rd edition by A.F. Rainey – Z. Safrai (London – New York: McMillan, 31993)**.
- P.H. Wright, Greatness, Grace, and Glory: Carta’s Atlas of Biblical Biography(Jerusalem: Carta, 2008).
- P.H. Wright, Understanding Biblical Kingdoms and Empires: An Introductory Atlas and Comparative Views (Jerusalem: Carta, 2010).
- V.H. Matthews, Manners and Customs in the Bible (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1988, 21991, 32006); The Cultural World of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academics, 42015).
- Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, J. Collins, editor (Yale Univ. Press).
- The Hebrew Bible
- Interpretation, J.L. Mays, editor ( Westminster).
- Berit Olam, D. Cotter et al., editors (Liturgical Press).
General Old Testament
- Alter, R., The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary, 3 Volumes. New York: Norton, 2004.
- Bendstra, B.L. Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Old Testament (Wadsworth Cengage: 2009, 1995).
- Boadt, L.E. with R. Clifford & D. Harrington, revisers, Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction (2nd Edition, Paulist Press, 2012, 1984).
- Brueggemann, W. & Linafelt, T., An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination (2nd Edition, Westminster, 2012, 2003).
- Ceresko, A.R., Introduction to the Old Testament: A Liberation Perspective (Orbis, 2001, 1992).
- Hayes, J.H. & Holladay, C.R., Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner's Handbook, (Westminster, 2007, 1983).
- McKenzie, S.L. & Kaitner, J., The Old Testament: Its Background, Growth, & Content (Abingdon, 2007).
Pentateuch - General
- Alter, R., The Five Books of Moses: A Translation with Commentary (Norton, 2004).
- Alexander, T.D., From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the Pentateuch (3rd Edition, Baker, 2002, 1998, 1995).
- Blenkinsopp, J., The Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible, (Yale Univ. Press, 2000).
- Blenkinsopp, J., Treasures Old and New: Essays in the Theology of the Pentateuch (Eerdmans, 2004).
- Blenkinsopp, J., Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament. The Ordering of Life in Israel and Early Judaism (2nd Edition, Oxford Univ, Press, 1995, 1983).
- Eskenazi, T.C. & Weiss, A.L., editors, The Torah: A Women’s Commentary (URJ, Women of Reformed Judaism, 2008).
- Guinan, M.D., The Pentateuch (Liturgical Press, 1990).
- Mann, T.W., The Book of the Torah: The Narrative Integrity of the Pentateuch (2nd Edition, Cascade, 2012, 1988).
- R. Westbrook, Everyday Law in Biblical Israel: An Introduction (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2009).
- Brueggemann, W., Genesis - Interpretation series (Westminster, 2010).
- Moberly, R.W.L., The Theology of the Book of Genesis (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009).
- Childs, B.S., The Book of Exodus (Westminster, 1971).
- Chrstensn, D., ed., A Song of Power and the Power of Song: Essays on the Book of Deuteronomy (Eisenbrauns: 1993)
- Garsiel, M., The Book of Samuel: Studies in History, Historiography, Theology and Poetics Combined (Rubin Mass, 2018).
- Garsiel, M., From Earth to Heaven: A Literary Study of Elijah Stories in the Book of Kings (CDL: 2014).
- Green, B., David's Capacity for Compassion: A Literary-Hermeneutical Study of 1-2 Samuel (Clark, 2017).
- Hamilton, V.P., Handbook on the Historical Books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah, Esther (Baker, 2001).
- Leuchter, M.A. & Lamb, D.T., The Historical Writings: Introducing Israel's Historical Literature (Fortress, 2016).
- Leuchter, M.A., Samuel and the Shaping of Tradition (Oxford Univ. Press, 2013).
- Mann, T.W., The Book of the Former Prophets (Cascade, 2011).
- Wilson, I.D., Kingship and Memory in Ancient Judah (Oxford Univ. Press, 2017).
The Prophets - General
- Branick, V.P., Understanding the Prophets and Their Books (Paulist, 2012).
- Cook, J.E., Hear, O Heavens and Listen, O Earth. An Introduction to the Prophets (Liturgical Press, 2006).
- Gowan, D.E., Theology of the Prophetic Books: The Death and Resurrection of Israel (Westminster, 1998)
- Sawyer, J.F.A., Prophecy and the Prophets of the Old Testament (2nd Edition, Oxford Univ. Press, 1993, 1987).
- Seitz, C.R., Prophecy and Hermeneutics: Toward a New Introduction to the Prophets (Baker Academic, 2007).
- Stulman, L. & Kim, H.C.P., You Are My People: An Introduction to Prophetic Literature (Abingdon, 2010).
The Prophets - Individual Books
- Brueggemann, W., Theology of the Book of Jeremiah (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2006).
- Goldingay, J.E., The Theology of the Book of Isaiah (InterVarsity, 2014).
- O'Conner, K.M., Jeremiah: Pain and Promise (Fortress, 2011).
- Oswalt, J.N., The Holy One of Israel: Studies in the Book of Isaiah (Cascade, 2014).
Wisdom Literature
- Crenshaw, J.L., Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction (3rd Edition, Westminster, 2010, 1982).
- Murphy, F.J., Apocalypticism in the Bible and Its World: A Comprehensive Introduction (Baker Academic, 2012).
- Murphy, R.E., The Tree of Life: An Exploration of the Biblical Wisdom Literature (Eerdmans, 1990).
- O'Conner, K.M., The Wisdom Literature (Liturgical Press,1988).
- von Rad, G. with Martin J.D. (translator), Wisdom in Israel (SCM, 1972).
- Alter, R., The Art of Biblical Poetry (Shocken, 1985).
- Brueggemann, W., The Message of the Psalms (Augsburg, 1984).
- Fokkelman, J.P., Reading Biblical Poetry: An Introductory Guide (Westminster, 2001).
- Gunkel, H. with Nogalski, J.D., translator, An Introduction to the Psalms: The Genres of the Religious Lyric of Israel (Mercer Univ. Press, 1998).
- Witherington, B., Psalms Old and New: Exegesis, Intertextuality, and Hermeneutics (Fortress, 2017).
Deuterocanon (Apocrypha)
- Harrington, D.J., Invitation to the Apocrypha (Eerdmans, 1999).
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